Hi I'm GoodVessel92551

waterfall waterfall


Hi I’m GoodVessel92551. I’m a full stack developer that enjoys using flask. Right now I am focusing on front-end development and website design but I am still doing some fullstack websites. Here a some of my achievements: I am a 3x time winner of the Replit Creator Fund. I’m also the winner of the Front-end Jam and I also won the Art Hackathon and finally I won the NarraCodeJam. If you want to get in contact with me go to the bottom of this page.


Here are some of my top projects.


Booogle 5 is a easy to use app that allows you to play Booogle Games, Organise with Tasks and Time and revise with a Booogle Revise integration.

Booogle Revise 2

Booogle Revise is a useful app that allows you to create sets so that you can revise them if you do not feel like make some sets you can go onto the community page and look for some that you might like. To start revising a set click on it or if you want to fill in the blanks click on the three dots that appear when you hover over the set. If you have downloaded a set from the community and you want to change something, do so with the ability to edit sets. If a set that you have no longer useful to you delete it.


Modern.css Is A css Library That Is Simple And Minimalistic. modern.css has checkboxes, switches, buttons and more that have been designed to be modern.

The Tree

This is a tree that is made mostly in CSS there are some parts that are made in javascript. The art style that has been used is sticky note. The Tree was the winner of the Art Hackathon.


If you want to contact please do it though discord my username is GoodVessel92551#3929